We had planned to have our engagement photo session at Bellevue Downtown Park, but when we got there we discovered that it was Prom Night for at least one of the area high-schools, and there were well over 100 high-school kids along with various and sundry parents and relatives there, trying to get photos of the kids in their tuxes and fancy dresses. The parking lot was jammed with over a dozen LARGE limos! Realizing that this was not going to make for a good photo session I suggested we move to nearby Chism Beach Park. Beth and Charles were willing, so off we went! So glad we made the change in location. It was a beautiful late May evening, and we had a great time just wandering the park and taking photos. Beth and Charles also brought along their dog Edgar, who proved to be a bit of a camera hog, as well as being quite photogenic. Here are a sample of photos from the session –